WEYTEC Hardware Integrations Platforms, an Alternative to Software Integration WEYTEC ABCs of WDP WEYTEC Enhanced Airport Security Solutions, when Failure is not an Option WEYTEC Business Continuity with the WEYTEC distributionPLATFORM WEYTEC Bolster Cyber Security Strategies with WEYTEC Solutions WEYTEC Future Trends in Control Room Design WEYTEC IT Infrastructure on Trading Floors, Future Trends WEYTEC "Too Heavy for the Cloud"
IP Remote smartREMOTE Audio Alert Detector Chassis and Boxes IP Remote USB IP Grabber Cards IP I/O Cards IP Redundancy / Converter IP Remote Audio Mixer Network Switches smartTOUCH for Control Rooms smartTOUCH Flex smartTOUCH for Trading Floors smartVISUAL ultraFLEX Nano PC ultraFLEX Mini PC V3 WDP Server USB Deskswitch
WEYTEC ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Certificate Appendix WEYTEC ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Certificate WEYTEC Conflict Material WEYTEC Reach Confirmation WEYTEC Corporate Business Principles WEYTEC Environmental Policy WEYTEC Health & Safety Statement WEYTEC Human Rights Policy WEYTEC Quality Security Policy WEYTEC Responsible Supply Chain Standard WEYTEC RoHS Confirmation WEYTEC and the Green WEY Forward
Case Study: 911 Emergency call center Lincoln Case Study: Alarm Receiving Center (ARC), Lausanne, Switzerland Case Study: Infraserv Höchst GAMZ Case Study: JFK Airport Case Study: Landesmuseum Zürich Case Study: City Police Lugano Case Study: Rheinmetall Air Defence AG Case Study: SBB HB Zurich Case Study: Suntec City Singapore
Product and Solution Films
Reference Films
In the Media
Out of Control? WEYTEC Kontrollraum-Lösungen verringern Komplexität, Powertage, 3. Juni 2021 Smarter unterwegs, Protector, 5. November 2019 Komplexe Steuerung, Protector, 24. September 2019 Making Complex Workplaces Smart: Turnkey Solutions Providing Users With Real-Time Access To All Their Systems, Managing the Skies, November / Dezember 2018 Wie funktioniert die modernste Einsatzzentrale der Schweiz?, Tatort Magazin, 1. November 2018 Kantonale Notrufzentrale Aargau: Sämtliche Notrufnummern auf Mausklick, blaulicht, 1. Februar 2018
WEYTEC eröffnet neue Niederlassung in Wien, Sicherheit.info, 7. Februar 2022 WEYTEC stattet Kommandozentralen von Flughäfen mit einer intelligenten Technologie aus, Limmattaler Zeitung, 6. November 2019 Raytheon, WEYTEC Team Up to Enhance Air Traffic Management Technology, 21. Oktober 2019 Da Wey Technology Italia la svolta nelle sale controllo per incrementare la sicurezza, Il Sole 24 Ore, 6. September 2018
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